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Captains & Awards
Grayshott Cricket Club is pleased to showcase our Team Captains and the Awards received for our club members over the years.
Safeguarding PolicyGrayshott Cricket Club (the Club) is committed to ensuring everyone participating in cricket does so in a safe, friendly, secure, and enjoyable environment. Everyone at the club, whether as a player, coach, official, administrator, staff member, volunteer, spectator, parent, or carer has a role to play. Individually and collectively, it is our actions, both on and off the field which can help create a positive and inclusive culture. We will do this by: Having the right people in place Creating the right culture and environment Ensuring clear processes are in place for reporting and responding to safeguarding concerns Adopting the ECB’s Safe Hands Policy and Guidance Having the Right People in Place Whilst everyone at our club has a responsibility for Safeguarding, we also have a designated Club Safeguarding Officer who has completed specialist Safe Hands training provided by the ECB. The Club Safeguarding Officer is: The first point of contact for all children, parents/carers volunteers, and members at the Club Responsible for ensuring that everyone who is working with children at the Club is subject to appropriate safer recruitment processes A member of our committee A source of safeguarding advice for the Club, its committee, and members The Club’s main point of contact for the County Safeguarding Officer, the ECB Safeguarding Team and other external safeguarding agencies The person responsible for ensuring correct and comprehensive reporting procedures exist for raising and managing safeguarding concerns. Creating the Right Culture and Environment All participants in cricket, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability of disability, have the right to enjoy the game in an environment that is safe from abuse of any kind. The Club recognises that safeguarding starts with setting high standards and promoting a positive culture which provides the best environment for participants to enjoy themselves and the game of cricket. Anyone in a specialist role within the Club is also required to complete the Safeguarding for Specialist Roles training with the relevant additional module. This includes Captains and Team Managers, Coaches and Activators, Officials (Umpires and Scorers) and Committee Members. We encourage all of our members to complete the ECB online Safeguarding Induction, which can be accessed here We ensure that all individuals working at or for the Club are provided with the necessary support through education, training and continued professional development (CPD) We ensure that all individuals working at or for the Club are recruited and appointed in accordance with ECB Safer Recruitment guidance and relevant legislation and are committed to providing a welcoming, safe, and fun experience for children We promote a listening culture where the views of children, parents/carers, volunteers and other club members are proactively sought and acted upon. This helps us to create an environment where people have the opportunity and confidence to raise concerns, including concerns about poor practice, abuse and neglect We seek to create a partnership with parents/carers so that they know what to expect from us and what we expect of them We ensure that external organisations who are delivering services on behalf of the Club have safeguarding measures in place which meet the requirements of Safe Hands. Reporting and Responding to Safeguarding Concerns It is our aim that everyone at the Club should feel confident to raise a concern, no matter how small. We believe that raising and dealing with concerns quickly, when they occur, supports a proactive safeguarding culture at the Club. All suspicions, concerns and allegations will be taken seriously. We will follow the 3R’s with every concern: Responding appropriately, Recording confidentiality and Reporting where necessary, ensuring that concerns are dealt with in a fair and prompt manner. The Club recognises that it is not the responsibility of club members to determine or investigate if abuse has taken place, but to act upon and report any concerns promptly. We ensure that confidential information relating to safeguarding matters is shared appropriately and only with those who need to know. Information may need to be shared with the County Safeguarding Officer, Cricket Regulator Safeguarding Team, or local agencies with statutory responsibility for safeguarding. If we are unsure, we will seek advice from our County Safeguarding Officer. Adopting the ECB’s Safe Hands Policy and Guidance The Club has formally adopted the ECB’s Safe Hands Policy and guidance as part of our constitution The Club works within the ECB Safeguarding Procedure for the management of safeguarding investigations We ensure that all individuals who work and volunteer at or for our Club understand how Safe Hands applies to them. Club Commitment Grayshott CC are committed to this Safeguarding Policy Statement and will review it on an annual basis.
Changing Room & ShoweringIf children are uncomfortable changing or showering with at the Club, no pressure will be placed on them to do so. Children should be encouraged to this at home in these circumstances. Adults will not change or shower at the same time using the same facility as children. Adults will try to change at separate times to children during matches i.e.when padding up. If Adults and children need to share a changing facility, the Club must have consent from the Parents that their child(ren) can share a changing room with adults in the club. If children play for Adult Teams,they and their Parents must be informed of the Club’s policy on changing arrangements. Mixed gender teams must have access to separate male and female changing rooms. Mobile phones must not be used in changing rooms.
Transport to and fro MatchesThis policy on transport applies to/fro matches (including adult matches)and training Details of all Coaching Sessions both Winter and Summer are available from the Club’s website in order that Parents/Carers have an opportunity to make appropriate arrangements. Details of all Fixtures are published on the Club’s website and in a Fixture booklet at the beginning of the season in order that Parents/Carers have an opportunity to make appropriate arrangements. Parents/Carers should be aware that youth fixtures are sometimes re-arranged at short notice for a variety of reasons. The Club website is updated on a daily basis so parents/carers are encouraged to view the website regularly during the season. Coaches and Club Staff will be responsible for the Children in their care at Coaching sessions organised by the Club or on arrival at the ground for both home and away fixtures. It is not the responsibility of the Coach or Team Manager to transport, or arrange to transport, the children to and from the Club for matches or training. By completing the Junior Membership form, Parents/Carers have agreed that their child can participate in away fixtures if selected. In the event of circumstances changing the parent/carer must notify the club in writing. The official pick up/drop off point for the Club is at the Pavilion at the Sportsfield in Grayshott off the Headley Road. In the event of an emergency issue at an away game the point of contact at the club is either the Club Welfare Officer or if not contactable the Youth Manager. Their contact numbers are available in the Club’s fixture booklet and on the Club’s website.
Use of Cameras & VideosGrayshott Cricket Club is keen to promote the appropriate use of photography and filming of children participating in cricket, for use on the club’s website and social media outlets. By signing and completing the Club’s Junior Membership form parents/carers agree to the club’s policy on use of cameras/video equipment during matches and at training.The club’s guiding principles are: Photographs/images are not to be taken at matches or training without the prior permission of the parents/carers of the child. This permission can be given by proxy by the coach of each team only after parental consent for this has been granted. The coach must arrange this prior to attending matches. If no consent has been given for a child, then it is to be made known to the relevant person of the other team (e.g. coach/team manager) so the appropriate person/s taking photographs for the other team is/are aware and can avoid taking photographs of that particular child. The children should be informed a person will be taking photographs. The children should be informed that if they have concerns they can report these to the coach or team manager. Concerns regarding inappropriate, or intrusive, photography should be reported to the Club Welfare Officer Sam Rance and recorded in the same manner as any other child protection or safeguarding concern. This is especially so as the Sportsfield at Grayshott is a Public Recreation Ground and is used by other sports clubs and members of the public. It is recommended that cricket tournaments/festivals/events/competitions set up a camera registration book for parents to complete. It is recommended that all cricket clubs as well as tournament/festival/event organisers adhere to the appropriate guidelines relating to publishing of images as detailed below. Use of images of children (for example on the web, in the media or in league handbooks), including broadcast on social media platforms. Ask for parental permission to use the child’s image and, wherever possible, show the image to the parents and child in advance. This ensures that they are aware of the way the image will be used to represent cricket and Grayshott Cricket Club. Ask for the child’s permission to use their image. This ensures they are aware of the way the image is to be used to represent cricket and Grayshott Cricket Club If the child is named, avoid using their photograph . In cases where the parent/child are happy for name and photograph to be used. Written consent will be used If a photograph is used, avoid naming the child. In cases where the parent/child are happy for name and photograph to be used. Written consent will be used Only use images of children in appropriate kit, to reduce the risk of inappropriate use, and to provide positive images of the children Encourage the reporting of inappropriate use of images of children. If you are concerned, report your concerns to the Club Welfare Officer Sam Rance or County Welfare Using video as a coaching aid: Grayshott Cricket Club may use use video equipment as a legitimate coaching aid. However, players and parents/carers should be aware that this is part of the coaching programme, and material taken in connection with coaching, must be stored securely and deleted or destroyed when a parent requests this, or when the material is no longer needed. The parents/carers and children must provide written consent for the use of video analysis.
Anti- BullyingStatement of Intent Grayshott Cricket Club is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our children so they can train and play in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our club. If bullying does occur, all children should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING club. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the coaches and officials. What Is Bullying? Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim. Bullying can be: Emotional: being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g. hiding kit, threatening gestures) Physical: pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence Racist: racial taunts, graffiti, gestures Sexual: unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments Homophobic: because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality Verbal: name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing Cyber: All areas of internet, such as email and internet chat room misuse. Mobile threats by text messaging and calls. Misuse of associated technology, i.e. camera and video facilities. Club Procedures Any bullying incidents should be reported to the Club Welfare Officer. The Club Welfare Officer’s telephone number is shown on the Club notice notice board and on the Club’s website. In cases of serious bullying, the incidents will be reported to the ECB Child Protection Team for advice via the County Welfare Officer. Parents will be informed and will be asked to come in to a meeting to discuss the problem. If necessary and appropriate, police will be consulted. The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying will be investigated and the bullying stopped quickly. An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour. In cases of adults reported to be bullying cricketers under 18, the ECB will be informed and will advise on action to be taken.
Data & Privacy PolicyUnder the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (GDPR) we are required to provide you with certain details concerning how your personal data will be used by the club and how it will be protect. Grayshott Cricket Club takes responsibilities concerning data protection seriously and is committed to protecting your privacy. This policy explains how we comply with the law on data protection and what your rights are. Data Controller: Grayshott Cricket Club Categories of Personal Data that we typically collect: Name and Date of birth Contact details Medical or specific requirements information Disability information Emergency contact details Sporting experience information Video/Photography agreement Code of conduct The sources of Personal Data to the club Adult/Parent/Legal Guardian registering themselves or child to join club Club coaches Automated decisions the club may take: None Purpose for which we process personal data: Administration of bookings and attendance at sessions Dealing with medical needs/specific requirements Supporting the delivery of cricket sessions For training and competition entry Reporting of participation and any incidents and of figures and trends (including equality and inclusion information) For quality and improvement monitoring Requesting help and support in running the club Communication to members Who will we disclose your personal data to: Coaches and junior co-ordinators for administering training sessions and running of teams Volunteers who work at Grayshott Cricket Club/venues to support the delivery of games. What is the Legal Basis for processing your personal data: The legal basis for the collection and processing of your personal data is: for administration: that it is necessary to fulfil our obligations to run an effective ClubMark accredited cricket club for dealing with medical needs: that you have given your explicit consent or in the child’s vital interests. in all other cases: that it is necessary for our legitimate interests which are to build a programme to encourage participation in cricket and does not prejudice or harm rights and freedoms of parents / guardians or the children that join the programme. Your right to withdrawal: Where you have given your consent to any processing of personal data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. If you do, it will not affect the lawfulness of any processing for which we had consent prior to your withdrawing it. Location of your personal data: The Club (or any third parties that we choose to use e.g. Pay Subs Online) will keep your personal data within the European Economic Area. How long will we keep your personal data: We will not retain your personal data for longer than is reasonable and necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. We shall retain your personal data for such time as you are registered with Grayshott Cricket Club as a member or is demanded by UK Law. Your rights in respect of your personal data: You have the right of access to your personal data and, in some cases, to require us to restrict, erase or rectify it or to object to our processing it, and the right of data portability. Our contact details: Point of Contact – Club Secretary email – website – Complaints: If you have any concerns or complaints about how we are handling your data please do not hesitate to get in touch with the official at the club (above). You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Cookies PolicyOur website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users. Please note the cookies we use do not give us access to your computer, or any personal information about you. We do use encrypted information gathered from them to help improve your experience of our site and the personal information we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve the website. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with this cookie policy. About cookies Cookies are small identifier files of letters and numbers that if you agree to their use, are stored on your browser or the hard drive of the device you use to visit our website such as your computer, tablet or smartphone. They help websites recognise you and they record information about your visit and can even change the display of the information on a website to match your interests and what is relevant to you. Cookies may be either “persistent” cookies or “session” cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed. The cookies we use on this website We use a number of different cookies on this website that are broadly grouped into the following categories: Essential These are cookies that are required for the operation of the website. You may not be able to use our website effectively without these cookies Analytical These cookies help us understand how users engage with our website and allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors. This helps us to improve the way the website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. These cookies do not let us identify specific users. We use Google Analytics to analyse the use of our website. Google provides anonymised data about the visits made to our website. It also stores cookies that allow the Google+ social sharing functionality. Read Google’s Privacy Policy. Social Sharing We use cookies to allow you to share content directly to your social networking sites for example Facebook, Twitter and Google+ i.e. clicking ‘Like’ on Facebook and ‘Share’on Twitter. We don’t have any control over these cookies but without them we wouldn’t be able to offer this functionality to you. Facebook Facebook stores cookies which allow the Facebook ‘like’ social sharing functionality but only if you click on the Facebook ‘like’ button on our website. Read Facebook’s Privacy Policy and Specific Cookie Policy. Twitter Twitter stores cookies which allow their social sharing functionality including the ‘Tweet’ function and to generate usage information during your visit to our website. Read the Twitter Privacy Policy. Instagram LinkedIn stores cookies which allow their ‘share’ functionality during your visit to our website. Read Instagram’s Privacy Policy. Security We use cookies as an element of the security measures used to protect user accounts, including preventing fraudulent use of login credentials, and to protect our website and services generally. Cookie consent We use cookies to store your preferences in relation to the use of cookies more generally. Managing and disabling cookies Most browsers allow you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies and to delete cookies. For more information on how to delete or disable cookies from your browser please refer to the help function within your browser or visit Please be aware that disabling blocking cookies may have a negative impact on the usability of many websites. In particular, you may not be able to access all or parts of the website or use the functionalities contained on it. Changes to these policies It’s likely that we’ll need to update these policies from time to time. We’ll notify you of any significant changes, but you’re welcome to check back frequently to see any updates or changes.
Data Breach and Subject Access Request ProceduresSubject Access Requests The new regulations allow individuals to request access to the data that the club is holding on them. All requests must be dealt centrally by the club secretary, No attempt by any other club official or member should be made to deal with the request but direct the enquiry immediately to the club secretary. The request will be dealt with within a month. No fee is normally charged but one can be charged if the request is unfounded or excessive. Data Breach Procedures In the very unlikely event that a data breach of Grayshott Cricket Club Data (a computer/tablet/phone is lost, data is hacked etc) then the club secretary is to be notified without delay by phone and then by email with details and circumstances of the breach. The club secretary will need to notify the ICO within a 72 hour period unless the breach is unlikely to result in a risk to individuals. When notifying the ICO, the nature of the breach will need to be included, the likely consequences, measures taken so far and the contact point for further information. If the breach is deemed to result in a high risk to the rights and freedom of an individual – they must be informed.
Health & Safety PolicyGrayshott Cricket Club recognises the importance of health and safety and will take all reasonable measures to ensure the health and safety of members and visitors. All members have a responsibility for their own health and safety and others who may be affected by the club’s activities. Club officers will carry out a risk assessment of each venue before the start of each season. Separate Risk assessments will apply around COVID guidelines. A first aid kit, suitable for sports clubs, will be available in the pavilion at all times. Individual first aid kits will be distributed to each junior team manager. Captains and Junior Team Managers are advised to carry a mobile phone as our pavilions either do not have a telephone line or ready access to one Volunteers who are in contact with young people (under 18) and team captains will undergo DBS clearance. Young players, under the age of 18, must use appropriate protective equipment. The ECB Fast Bowling Match Directive and safety guidance on the wearing of helmets by young players will be followed at all times by the Club. These apply to all players under the age of 18 years. The Club requires that all young cricketers, under the age of 18, provide medical and emergency contact details. The Membership forms will be used for this purpose. Information will be held within the club’s membership database and information about relevant players will be made available to coaches, and adult team captains as appropriate. When young players practise at the same time as adult members, there will always be at least two adults present at all times, unless a young player’s parent/carer is present. The club will encourage members to become qualified first-aiders. A record of accidents form will be completed as necessary and submitted to the Club Safeguarding Officer all possible steps taken to avoid a recurrence. Adult Members and Parents of children under 18 will be encouraged to support the Health and Safety guidelines including safety in the car park at busy times Ground Maintenance and Equipment Only suitably trained or competent members of the club, or suitably trained or competent sub-contractors appointed by the Club shall undertake hazardous ground works to the pitch and/or ground. Protective clothing and equipment shall be provided for all suitably trained or competent parties when any hazardous work is undertaken. Where herbicides are used, typically weed and mosskiller appropriate training is provided and relevant safety and environmental data/information sheets are available. All plant, machinery and equipment, (including fire safety), shall be suitable for the purpose for which it is intended, shall be maintained in a safe condition and use shall be adequately controlled. All plant, machinery and equipment shall be reviewed for suitability in line with manufacturer’s recommendations a minimum of annually. Where the equipment is deemed not to be fit-for-purpose, the equipment shall be removed, disposed of and replaced as necessary. When procuring work equipment / products, the club shall assess them to ensure that the risks from their use are as low as is reasonably practicable and that they are suitable for the purpose for which they are intended. All considerations such as COSHH, noise, vibration, etc shall be reviewed.
Guidance on Social Media PlatformsWhile written specifically for all users who engage with Grayshott Cricket Club’s social media channels, these guidelines are built on universal principles. By engaging with Grayshott Cricket Club’s social media groups/accounts, members agree to: Be safe. The safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults must be maintained. If you have any concerns speak to our safeguarding officer. Be respectful. Do not post or share content that is sexually explicit, inflammatory, hateful, abusive, threatening or otherwise disrespectful. Watch the language used (no swearing please). Be kind. Treat others how you would wish to be treated and assume the best in people. If you have a criticism or critique to make, consider not just whether you would say it in person, but the tone you would use. Be honest. Don’t mislead people about who you are. Take responsibility. You are accountable for the things you do, say and write. Text and images shared can be public and permanent, even with privacy settings in place. If you’re not sure, don’t post it. Be a good ambassador. Personal and professional life can easily become blurred online so think before you post. Keep personal messages for private groups. Credit others. Acknowledge the work of others. Respect copyright and always credit where it is due. Be careful not to release sensitive or confidential information and always question the source of any content you are considering amplifying. Follow the rules. Abide by the terms and conditions of the various social media platforms themselves. If you see a comment that you believe breaks their policies, then please report it to the respective company.
Parents & Legal GuardiansGrayshott Cricket Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its members and promoting the spirit of cricket. The club believes that as a parent or legal guardian of a junior member you have a key role to play in this regard and expects you to abide by the following code of conduct; Make sure your child has the right kit for the session with sufficient drink. Make sure your child arrives to sessions on time and is picked up promptly; or let us know if you’re running late or if your child is going home with someone else. Complete all consent, contact and medical forms and update us straight away if anything changes. Make sure your child wears any protective kit they should use or we provide for them. Maintain a good relationship with your child’s coach and catch up with them as much as you can about your child’s development Encourage your child to learn the laws of cricket and play within them. Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results. Publicly accept officials’ judgments whether it be an umpire or your team’s coach. Do not venture onto the field of play Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials. Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances to all. Do not cheer or applaud at mistakes made by a member of an opposing team. Use social media responsibly when talking about what goes on at our club, by behaving in the same way online as you would in person. Remember that children get a wide range of benefits from participating in sport, like making friends, getting exercise and developing skills. It’s not all about wins and losses Help promote the club ethos, by making every effort to ensure your child(ren) does not wear other clubs/schools/RPC kit for Grayshott matches. Pay membership and any other fees promptly. Help the Team manager by notifying availability as early as possible. Take an active role in supporting the club.
Junior MembersGrayshott Cricket Club is fully committed to promoting the core values of the game enabling our junior members to play with passion and a smile on their face within the spirit of cricket. • Play within the laws of the game and respect officials and their decisions, together with respecting our opponents. • Recognise and celebrate good play respecting all players. Be gracious in defeat and victory by always shaking hands or giving three cheers to your opponents after the game. • Support and encourage your team mates. Tell them when they’ve done well and be there for them when they’re struggling • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all players regardless of gender, ability, cultural background or religion. • Cricket is a team game and should be fun for everyone. If you feel a teammate is missing out please tell your coach/team manager or parent guardian. • Make our club a welcoming and friendly place to be • Say thank you to everyone each week who helps get your coaching session or game on. Coaches, team managers and officials. Without them you would not be playing cricket. • Respect the Club’s equipment and facilities, it is there for your enjoyment and many others. • Remember play with a smile and others will smile back too…
Anti-Discrimination CodeThe England and Wales Cricket Board (the ECB) is responsible for the governance of cricket in England and Wales. This ECB Anti-Discrimination Code (the Code) is part of the ECB’s continuing efforts to maintain the integrity, diversity and inclusivity of cricket. The ECB aims to create an environment within cricket in England and Wales in which no individual, group or organisation experiences discrimination or acts in a discriminatory manner on the basis of a Protected Characteristic (as defined in the Equality Act 2010 from time to time – which at the time of writing are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation). This Code therefore sets out discriminatory behaviour which, when carried out by a participant who is required to comply with it, will be a breach of the Code and may be sanctioned accordingly. All Participants (as defined below) agree by virtue of their involvement in cricket in England and Wales to be bound by this Code and submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the relevant body which applies to them. All County Cricket Boards, First Class Counties, Regional Hosts, the National Counties, leagues, clubs and other organisations under the jurisdiction of the ECB or its Members must adopt and enforce the Code. Participants who are party to an ECB agreement and/or in receipt of ECB funding may be obliged, as a condition of those agreements or funding, to comply with or adopt the Code and/or enforce the provisions of the Code through their own processes. The Code may be amended from time to time by the ECB in its sole discretion, with such amendments coming into effect on the date specified by the ECB. BREACHES UNDER THE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION CODE Cricket Organisation means (a) County Cricket Boards, First Class Counties, Regional Hosts, National Counties, the Marylebone Cricket Club and other organisations under the jurisdiction of the ECB or its Members; (b) clubs and leagues which are affiliated to or under the jurisdiction of either the ECB or any of its Members; and (c) any other organisations which adopt this Code. Participant means: (a) Cricket Organisations; (b) employees, directors, officers, committee members, contractors and volunteers, in each case, of the ECB or any Cricket Organisation; (c) match officials including members of the Association of Cricket Officials; (d) members of the ECB Coaches Association; (e) an individual taking part in a cricket match or event under the jurisdiction of the ECB and/or any ECB Member; and (f) any other individual who becomes bound by this Code. Example Paragraph (f) above is intended to cover other individuals which a cricket organisation chooses to have bound by the Code. For example, a cricket venue may require spectators to abide by the Code by making it a provision of the ticket terms and conditions which a spectator agrees to. It will be a breach of this Code for any Participant to: 1.1. discriminate against any person or persons based upon any relevant Protected Characteristic, whether by act or omission, directly or indirectly, unless permitted by law; and/or 1.2. engage in conduct related to a relevant Protected Characteristic which has the purpose or effect of violating another’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that person or persons. In deciding whether the conduct has the effect referred to in paragraph 1.2 above, the following shall be taken into account, namely – (a) the perception of the relevant person or persons, (b) the circumstances of the case, and (c) whether it is reasonable for the conduct to have that effect. In instances where the Participant is an organisation, it will be a breach of this Code to fail to provide an effective, timely and proportionate response to an alleged breach under paragraph 1 above, carried out by any individual or organisation under the jurisdiction of the Participant. The breaches referenced in paragraph 1 shall apply regardless of whether the Protected Characteristic(s) around which the breach is based applies to the person or people to whom the offending conduct is directed. Example If a player makes a homophobic comment directed at another player during a match, regardless of whether that other player belongs to the group referred to, this would amount to a breach of the Anti-Discrimination Code.
Diversity & InclusionGrayshott Cricket Club in all its activities, is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity in cricket, and to ensuring that its employees, members and all other individuals working or volunteering for Grayshott Cricket Club, and participating in or watching Grayshott Cricket Club’s activities are treated fairly and are able to conduct their activities free from discrimination, harassment or intimidation. Grayshott Cricket Club in all its activities will not discriminate, or in any way treat anyone less favourably against on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religion or belief or sexual orientation. Grayshott Cricket Club will not tolerate harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of individuals. Grayshott Cricket Club will endeavour to create access and opportunities for all those individuals who wish to participate, and are lawfully eligible to participate, in its activities. Grayshott Cricket Club will ensure that it complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that its employees, members and volunteers adhere to these requirements and this policy. This policy is fully supported by the Grayshott Cricket Club’s officers and management committee who are responsible for the implementation of this policy. Grayshott Cricket Club is committed to the investigation of any claims when brought to its attention, of discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of an individual, and reserves the right to impose such sanction as it considers appropriate and proportionate, where such is found to be the case. In the event that any employee, member, volunteer, participant or spectator feels that he has suffered discrimination, harassment, bullying,abuse or victimisation, they should report the matter in writing to the secretary of the management committee of Grayshott Cricket Club Any such report should include: details of what occurred; when and where the occurrence took place; any witness details and copies of any witness statements. If the accused individual is an employee, the club’s management committee will regard the issue as a disciplinary issue and will follow Grayshott Cricket Club’s employment disciplinary procedure. If the accused individual is a non – employee, the management committee: – may decide (at its sole discretion) to uphold or dismiss the complaint without holding a hearing; – may (at its sole discretion) hold a hearing at which both parties will be entitled to attend and present their case; – will have the power to impose any one or more of the following sanctions on any person found to be in breach of any policy: (a) warn as to future conduct; (b) suspend from membership; (c) remove from membership; (d) exclude a non-member from the facility, either (e) temporarily or permanently; and (f) turn down a non-member’s current and/or future membership/application; and will provide both parties with written reasons for its decision. A party may appeal a decision of the management committee to the relevant County Cricket board by writing to the relevant County Cricket Board within 3 months of Grayshott Cricket Club’s decision being notified to that party. If the nature of the complaint is with regard to the [management committee] of the Grayshott Cricket Club the complainant may report the complaint directly to the relevant County Cricket Board. This policy will be reviewed periodically by Grayshott Cricket Club in consultation with the England and Wales Cricket Board Limited.
ECB Code of ConductThe ECB Coaches Code of Conduct can be read here.
Club Members & GuestsMembers and Guests of Grayshott Cricket Club are required to abide by the provisions of this Code of Conduct and any subsequent updates as may be in force from time to time, and by their presence on club premises or at club events or activities are deemed to have accepted and to abide by the provisions of this Code and any other relevant Codes of Conduct, Rules or Regulations the Club has adopted. All Members and Guests of Grayshott Cricket Club will; Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of Cricket. Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief. Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination if witnessed. Display high standards of behaviour. Promote the positive aspects of Cricket e.g. fair play. Encourage all participants to learn the Laws and rules and play within them, respecting the decisions of match officials. Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and arguing with match officials. Recognise good performance not just match results. Place the well-being and safety of children above the development of performance. Ensure that activities are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual. Respect children’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in Cricket. Not smoke, drink or use banned substances whilst actively working with children in the Club. Not provide children with alcohol when they are under the care of the Club. Follow ECB guidelines set out in the “Safe Hands Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’ and any other relevant guidelines issued. Report any concerns in relation to a child, following reporting procedures laid down by the ECB. In addition to the above, all Club Officers and Appointed Volunteers will: Have been appropriately vetted if required, before taking on their role. Hold relevant qualifications and be covered by appropriate insurance. Always work in an open environment (i.e. avoid private or unobserved situations and encourage an open environment). Inform Players and Parents of the requirements of Cricket. Know and understand the ECB’s ‘Safe Hands Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children.’ Develop an appropriate working relationship with young players, based on mutual trust and respect. Ensure that physical contact is appropriate and necessary and is carried out within recommended guidelines with the young player’s full consent and approval. Not engage in any form of sexually related contact with a young player. This is strictly forbidden as is sexual innuendo, flirting or inappropriate gestures and terms. The ECB adopts the Home Office guidelines which recommend the principle -“People in positions of trust and authority do not have sexual relationships with 16-17 year olds in their care.” Attend appropriate training to keep up to date with their role, especially that relating to the Safeguarding of children. If a breach of the provisions or principles of this Code occurs or is reasonably suspected to have occurred the Club reserves the right to take such action as it deems appropriate, including but not limited to asking the person responsible for the breach to leave the Club premises. Any disciplinary or complaint hearings in connection with a breach of these rules shall be dealt with in accordance with the disciplinary procedure as set out in the Club constitution or Cricket Section Regulations as may be amended from time to time.
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